
The committee are responsible for the general running of the club, each with their own specific responsibilities as detailed below. Committee members are elected annually at the AGM towards the end of the spring term, with the exception of the Novice Reps who are elected at the start of the academic year.

If you would like to contact the committee, please email: The committee for 2024-25 is as follows:

Chair - Katie Axup

Katie joined the club in 2021 as a novice, she is in the third year of a degree in Maths. Katie shoots longbow and won several medals including gold at BUCS Indoors 2023 and silver in 2024. Katie is also a qualified Session Coach and has previously served on the committee as Social Secretary (2022-23).

The Chair's responsibilities include:

  • Chairing all meetings.
  • Attending AU meetings and county meetings.
  • Communicating with the union.
  • Acting as liaison between other archery clubs and other clubs within the AU.
  • Ensuring the general smooth running of the club.

Secretary - Steph Dennison

Steph joined the club as a novice in October 2023. She is studying for a degree in Psychology and is currently shooting recurve, with an interest in many bow types. She joined the club to take up an opportunity that was unavailable to her before coming to Loughborough and to be able to engage in a new sport. She is excited to contribute back to the club.

The Secretary's responsibilities include:

  • Writing agendas and minutes for meetings.
  • Maintaining the club's mailing lists.
  • Submitting membership forms to Archery GB.
  • Being the club's point of contact for AGB, EMAS and L&RCAA.

Treasurer - Derin Thompson

Derin is a second year chemical engineering student. She shoots recurve and joined the club in 2023 as a novice. She decided to join archery because it’s inclusive and to meet new and interesting people.

The Treasurer's responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the budget and private account.
  • Submitting the claim forms to the AU.
  • Communicating with the AU on all financial matters.
  • Deciding (with the committee) what to spend the club budget on.

Team Captain - Anna David

Anna started archery when she joined the club in 2023. She studies Biological sciences in Loughborough and is doing a master’s degree in linguistics. As a novice recurve, she has won several gold medals so far, such as BUCS regional novice indoors and the TOUCAN Outdoor Championships.

The Team Captain's responsibilities include:

  • Selecting and entering teams for BUTTS and BUCS competitions.
  • Deciding (with committee) which external competition to enter.
  • Organising and booking transport for all competitions.
  • Organising accommodation (including reading the online reviews), if staying overnight.

Development Officer - Kieran Curson

Kieran is currently studying for a PhD in Thin Film Solar Cells; he originally joined the club in 2019 when studying for his master’s degree in Materials. He shoots recurve and has competed for the club at many events as part of the gents experienced recurve team. Kieran has previously served on the committee as Welfare Officer (2020-21), Team Captain (2023-24), and is also currently training to become a Session Coach.

The Development Officer's responsibilities include:

  • Bringing in new coaching opportunities
  • Developing plans/apps to make other Committee positions easier
  • Co-ordinating the long-term goals and aims of the club

Equipment Officer - Florence Levitt

Florence joined the club as an experienced archer in 2022 studying Economics and Management. She has been shooting recurve for 8 years and has competed in competitions up to national level, getting a silver medal in the under 21s Junior National Indoor Championships, as well as shooting for Cambridgeshire county as a junior; she is also the current Leicestershire and Rutland County Outdoor Champion. Florence is currently training to become a Session Coach.

The Equipment Officer's Responsibilities include:

  • Maintenance of all club equipment.
  • Auditing all club equipment at the beginning and end of the year.
  • Ensuring the equipment cupboard remains tidy and organised.
  • Deciding (with committee) what equipment to purchase each year.

Tournament & Records Officer - Lily Green

Lily is studying for a degree in Criminology and Sociology, she joined the club in 2022 as a novice. Lily shoots recurve and won a bronze medal at the third BUTTS leg and the BUTTS Field Champs in her novice year.

  • Organising any competitions hosted by the club, such as Loughborough BUTTS.
  • Organising internal competitions to help track novice progress and maintain interest.
  • Submitting scores to the e-league each month
  • Maintaining an accurate list of club records

Social Secretary - Vacant

The position of Social Secretary is currently vacant.

The Social Secretary's responsibilities include:

  • Organising the fresher's social.
  • Collecting the Hey Ewe Sheep Packs from the AU office each week.
  • Organising the post Loughborough BUTTS social.
  • Deciding (with committee) what other socials to organise throughout the year.

Media Officer - Lucy Hubbert

Lucy is currently on a placement year as part of her degree in Graphic Design. She joined the club as an experienced archer and has been shooting for roughly ten years - predominantly barebow but spent six months in her fresher year at LSAC as recurve before changing back. Lucy also does NFAS field archery where she has won numerous medals as a junior including National 3D silver twice. Lucy is also a qualified Session Coach.

The Media Officer's responsibilities include:

  • Managing the club's social media accounts.
  • Uploading photos/posts to social media.
  • Writing articles/match reports for Wow magazine.
  • Producing posters and other promotional content for events

Welfare Officer - Jess Cheung

Jess is in her second year studying automotive engineering. She took up archery as her brother coaches at Salford University and thought it would be fun to try it herself. Jess joined as a novice in 2023 and shoots recurve.

The Welfare Officer's responsibilities include:

  • Acting as a liason between the club and the AU Welfare Team.
  • Promoting events orginased by the University/AU relating to welfare and diversity.
  • Dealing with welfare issues concerning individual members of the club.
  • Running events throughout the year to raise money for the club's chosen charities.

Novice Representative - Steph Dennison

Steph joined the club as a novice in October 2023 and was elected Novice Rep at the General Meeting in November She is studying for a degree in Psychology and is currently shooting recurve, with an interest in many bow types. She joined the club to take up an opportunity that was unavailable to her before coming to Loughborough and to be able to engage in a new sport. She is excited to contribute back to the club.

The Novice Representatives' Responsibilities include:

  • Representing the views of novices at committee meetings.
  • Gaining experience on the committee.
  • Assist the committee with the running of the club